Miss Tilly's Ballet and Theater Arts

Miss Tilly has taught ballet to the young people of San Francisco for more than 40 years. She has introduced more than 10,000 budding ballerinas and danseurs to the joy and discipline of classical movement and music in a warm, supportive and beautiful environment.

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Spring Session: January 24 - May 14

Mid-session enrollments are welcome and will be charged a pro-rated tuition

"“Pop/Broadway" Song & Dance!

 Performance Immersion: Sing! Dance! Act!

Become a "Triple Threat" w/ Miss Iliza & Miss Ausjoli

In Song & Dance classes, students work on singing with live piano accompaniment, learn choreography to varied styles of dance, and play acting exercises designed to build confidence not only on the stage, but in life! In May, the children perform in our year-end show at the Herbst Theatre!

5 1/2 - 8 Year-Old

Featuring beloved, current, and classic Pop and Broadway music hits

Tuition: $725 per session

Miss Iliza

Miss Iliza

Miss Ausjoli

Miss Ausjoli